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Houston Half Marathon

Don't remember a lot about the specifics of the race as it kind of feels like a blur. Got out well the first mile and felt really relaxed. Crazy relaxed. Was with a really good group from the beginning until mile 12, though I ended up doing a little more leading than I would have liked to. Swished my mouth with gatorade every aid station until ~mile 9.

Memorable moments are:

- Standing right in back of Med on the line and feeling my pulse racing

- A great first 6 miles

- A point in mile 7 or 8 where I swung wide to hit the aid station and started feeling the fatigue start to set in a little

- Mile 10 where I could tell it was going to hurt and wasn't sure if I'd be able to maintain pace the whole way

- Mile 11 where I thought I could break 65min

- Mile 12 where the pack I pulled away from me, and I realized that I couldn't

- Seeing I needed to run a 2:20 last 800m to go sub-65

- Struggling in the last, interminable mile

- Being done

In retrospect, I'm happy with the race. It was an awesome racing experience being surrounded by so many fast guys (I finished 38th!) on a perfect day on a perfect course.

Training Plan Entry


13.1 mi

Houston Half Marathon
