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13.1 mi


5:16 mi


Tom King Half Marathon

Was really worried about this one after how my hip would make it through the race yesterday, but after the increased ibuprofen intake and massage yesterday, I was feeling fine hip-wise throughout the race.

I knew that Scott would be running faster than I wanted to or could today, so I was hoping to come thorough in a second without hurting myself. Accidentally deleted the splits, but in the first 11 miles were all between 5:05 and 5:20. The last two miles started slowing down some, partly due to fatigue and partly due to shutting it down some so as to not kill myself. Coming into the stadium , I saw that I had a chance to go sub-69, so I picked it up some and ended up hitting 68:57 on a course that some people said was as much as 0.15 - 0.2 long.

Really good to know that I can still run a decent workout after two weeks of easy running and babying my hip. Ready to start training again!
