Run: Tempo Previous Next


3 mi


5:40 mi

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<No name>


Got up this morning super early (4:00am) planning to do a race simulation getting myself ready for the 7:00am start at Philly. Almost canned it because I was feeling super sick and congested, but I decided to at least give it a shot. After a warmup, I ended up only doing 3 miles (instead of 9 progression) at tempo partly because I could feel the slightest of hamstring tightness coming on, but also because I was feeling sick. Nice opening up my stride for the first time in a while, and I really don't think I have lost anything from just doing a week and a half of easy running. A little disappointing, but not too bad.

On the plus side, this is the first time that my legs have been feeling like their normal, sprightly selves. Instead of doing any big workouts before Philly a week from Sunday, I might just do a few lighter workouts to get back my sharpness.
