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3.1 mi


4:45 mi


Warmed up 18 minutes with Scott Wietecha and was feeling really pretty good. No shin pain and legs felt really smooth. Racing weather was perfect: High 60s, no wind, under the lights on the track.

Before the race, I talked with Brock Baker of MBA fame who was planning on going out in 4:40 pace which would bring him through in 14:35 for the 5k. I really wasn't sure if going out in that pace would kill me given the non-ideal training over the past 2 weeks, but I decided to give it a try.

Got of the line fine with minimal jostling. The race immediately separated into two packs: The group with Scott, the BAA guys and some Kenyans looking to go in the 14:00 range and then a group shooting for the 14:30s or 14:40s. As Salvador Allende said, "En este me ubico yo." Our group went out at incredibly even spits, going through the 400 in 69 and then the mile in 4:40 on the dot. Somewhere around 800m into the race, I had a little panic as I tried to move up in the group that I was pushing myself too hard, but that fear ended up being unfounded.

At 1.5 miles into the race, I suddenly found myself in last place but feeling pretty good. Despite slowing down in the second mile to a 4:47, I started reeling people in who were fading quickly. Having past most of my group save one runner, the final mile ended up being a largely mental battle. Though I held relatively strong the last mile and certainly picked it up a little from my second mile, I never was able to get myself into competitive racing mode to really go after Brandon York, the Vandy guy that finished 7 seconds in front of me at the Vanderbilt Invite.

All in all, not a bad race. If I had pushed myself harder or been less conservative during the first two miles, I definitely could have been in the high 14:30s, but I'm also happy that I didn't end up blowing up like I was worried I might. Congrats to Scott and John Ramsay on the big new PRs. Jeff, you'll get it next time.



Hey, thanks Connor. It was fun watching you race. Excited to see what you can do with a little more steady training. Let's keep it rolling--and have fun in Spain!