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26.2 mi


6:30 mi


45 F
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<No name>


started morning with diarhea, but i think nerves. started out 6:15 pace, staying with a crowd of half marathoners, but calmed. let a flood of people pass me. taregted 32:30 (6:30 pace) for each 5 mile interval. hit 31:52 for first five but felt relaxed. most of the 38 secs of beat came in first 2 miles. i missed 10 mile split, got it at 11m for 38:19 (39:00 target) another 41 seconds ahead. some decent downhills and just one big up. several miles on a bike path but crowd already sparse. next 4 in 25:23, so 37 secs ahead, still feeling good. much of teh next 5 was a long slow gradual uphill. a guy last night (a guy with 3 girls including twins) that this is toughest part and he is right. but i beared down hard here, figuring to spend my energy now and ride downhills later. so despite uphills, 31:22, for these 5 mile-my fastest of the day, ahead by 1:08. after i passed the turn around, i did enjoy the gradual downhill but i was tightening up. i may have gone too hard for those 5 (15-20). was ahead of goal pace for miles 20-23 but gave away the extra on 24 and then, lost a minute for the five mile split 33:31. so i am running 2 minutes ahead of pace with a mile to go but really fell apart and gave the 2 miles back. must have been an 8:30 mile. at one point, shouted "No! Run!" because i wanted to stop. there was an official on a bycycle who was with me for most of race and we never spoke until that last mile when she got ahead of me and said "follow me through" and she cheered. very kind.

i may have missplayed 15-20, but also know i gave nearly all i had. cant help but wonder if i could have taken 5 secs off to break 2:50 but i doubt i could have PR'd. maybe needed more long runs.

great conditions. ideal. 40s. no winds.

2nd place for Masters for $150. 1st for men 40-44
