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7:40 AM

11 mi


6:21 mi


65 F
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This was my best run in the last 92 days no question. 65 and sunny no wind in Wabasha, MN. No hangover from the wedding last night probably because I didn't drink. Solid choice. The wedding was still pretty fun though. Good food, ice cream bar, dancing with Claire and her cute little second cousins. I was originally planning 14 miles this morning but since it's Sunday and I didn't want to miss the hotel's continental breakfast, I went shorter. The path I went on wouldn't have allowed much farther than 11 without going on a busy road anyway. Either way, I totally killed it today. I was thinking I would go kinda fast but still go on feel without pushing too hard and it felt like nothing was too hard. 6:38 mile 2 felt like nothing so I pushed a little. 6:23, nothing. Next thing I knew I was putting in low 6s without too much effort. I definitely was pushing and feeling it at the end but I think I could've kept going a few more miles at that pace if I really had to which is always the goal with these long runs. Scenery was nice too. I went on basically the same path as yesterday, going through downtown Wabasha right on the Mississippi, then wound up on a bike trail next to a road in the country. Lots of corn fields. It was super flat running which is something I'm not that used to. Maybe that had something to do with the speed I could maintain. I also had half a cup of coffee beforehand and took a goo at mile 6 so I had caffeine coursing through my veins which always gives a boost too. Super pleased and a very good gauge of what I could do in a half marathon right now. I think I could do a 1:22 next week


Jazzed Pear
