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8:29 AM

10 mi


6:24 mi

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5x1 mile. Kind of a wonky one. I was lazy at work yesterday so I was stressed about the stuff I needed to get done so I worked before the run today. My first meeting isn’t until 11 so I had time. I put on the racing shoes today. Man do those feel good. The 3 mile warm up felt so easy just bouncin along. Went straight into the first interval at mile 4. It’s hard to compare this to the last time I did a 4x1 mile at the park because the rest was all fucked up. After the first 2, I did .25 jogging rest, then I had to shit after the 3rd interval. Getting kinda sick of this shitting on the run business. Based on how I felt right after the 3rd, I could tell the 4th would be a struggle and 5 sounded pretty impossible. I guess it worked out to add on some extra rest for the 4th and 5th reps. There was this little old man who walked a lap around the park the opposite direction of me and he said something every single time I passed him but it was too quick to understand so I always just gave a half smile. Seemed like a nice guy. I wanted a longer cool down but I was already by the house at that point and I probably needed to get back to work so I kept it there. Pretty proud of it. It was hard at least which is what I need to improve.
