Run: Tempo Previous Next


8:00 AM

7600 m


6:37 mi


146 lb


80 F


8 / 10
5 / 10
  • Map



Today we did tempo runs on the track. In my group: Joe, Fackler, Talbot, Cappa, Mike, Dan, and I. I made it about 20 minutes, and by then I was feeling bad. I decided to stop, which makes me mad now that I didn't keep going. I joined back in when they came around the next time, and I felt good for a minute or two, but then I began feeling bad again. I dropped back some and finished the last lap by myself. I was hoping to impress coach again, because I did this same workout two weeks ago, finishing as one of the two people in our group who ran the whole time. I guess I still got an ok workout, because we finished in 32 or 33 something last time. I think eating better could help me feel better, which is definitely something I should do. Drinking more water would help as well; I felt dizzy and parched today.
