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4:30 PM

66.8 km


29.71 km / hr


66 kg
155 bpm
170 bpm


  • Map



Thought we FINALLY had a breeze/wind-free day.........yeah RIGHT!!!! Felt like it was coming from the West when we went along Cross's Road and figured we'd at least have a tail going out to Glengarry from Tyers. Guess again. Average speed from Tyers was only about 30/31kph when we'd normally be sitting on (up to) 38-39kph with a tail. It definitely seemed to be coming from East instead and we really only had a tailwind advantage after turning right off River Road.

Am a little disappointed with the average, although I really struggled for the first 30km.....Keith had to drag me along almost literally (the bastard was spinning in the small ring while I lumbered behind him in the big ring trying to keep up **sigh**). Glad I did it though. See how I go Thursday for another 60km or so......
