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6:00 PM

3.1 mi


7:58 mi


161.4 lb


74 F


At long last, my first Tom McCoy Fun Run, and M and I (with L spectating) have a fine-ish time - Thankfully the night is a beautiful one, as since M and I haven't been logging the miles of late that we perhaps should be, tonight's exertion is a powerfully draining one. All holds together well, and I do have some decidedly low points (both physically and mentally) in the last half, but the incentives of running/sprinting with others do at least keep me from walking when walking/stopping seem pretty attractive options... Of particular note is the interaction with my "nemesis" Paul Gray this evening, who I keep an eye out for throughout the race, and especially so when he passes me on the last long stretch right around Mile 2.5 - Even though he never gets more than a couple feet ahead of me until right at the end (I thinks he said he finished in 24:32) I'm coming to realize that this whole experience of personal competition with him is exactly the opposite of the more spiritual/zen experience that most inspires me to run. Even though having him ahead of me keeps me moving at a point when I most need it definitely helps, I really don't like the competitive sense of conquest or failure that it inevitably brings out in me, and I don't like giving this guy, who really can be an obnoxious ass, that power over me. Paul can be just as inspiring or impactful to my runs as any other runner on the course (like the man with the maroon shirt and thankfully-loud shoes who STRONGLY helped motivate forward in the last few sprinting feet to the Finish!) but I have to be out there for myself, and the only voice of praise or criticism must rise from within, without ego or superficial "needs." I need to become a zen runner again, and thanks, Paul, for reminding me of that... = )
