Run: Easy Previous Next


5:00 PM

4.1 mi


9:25 mi


163.9 lb


47 F


My first nighttime outing of the season, solo and still nursing my feet/footpads a bit, and it's an outstanding time - The feel of the downtown area with streetlights and early holiday decorations lit is highly cool, as is even just being out and socially about after dark. After my highly conscious and cautious run, my return home is happy, comfortable, and inspiring, and especially so given my encounter with a gorgeous pair of foraging does, casually stepping out in front of me as I'm walking back past Frank's house ...

And as an epiphany aside, I don't think I want to take Ibuprofen before races anymore, as the resistance to pain I gained before Tarzan Brown may be just the factor that allowed me to push so hard that my feet are STILL recovering. Just a thought...
