Run: Long Previous Next


10:20 AM

7.9 mi


10:32 mi


167.5 lb


55 F


* Includes approx. 2 minutes walked

A certain highwater mark of the past 7 months, today's run is full of excitement, adventure, and accomplishment. Still stoked after yesterday's great outing, and eager to step up my practice and embrace potential (I've been thinking in terms of Tarahumara + ChiRunning ideas of near-perpetual motion - Allowing momentum to act as my primary engine and "seeing" myself able to comfortably fall forward for as long of a distance as I choose,) this morning's scenic run out along the uncharted territory of the Osbrook Point community is gorgeous and unfamiliar, and that's a huge combination. Definitely wiped at run's end, but the mighty sense of satisfaction and the dawning realization of a whole new range of distances available to me more than makes up for any soreness. The openness to pushing my own limits seems almost to be its own reward...
