Run: Tempo Previous Next


5:30 PM

4.1 mi


9:03 mi


163.1 lb


28 F


After just over a week off, tonight's triumphant solo run is a welcome return to the streets - It feels great to be out, and even greater that perhaps I've reached a point where I really can just up and run, without needing massive preparation or psyching myself up. Definitely feels like I'm growing (and have grown) as a runner, and it's nice to have more and more trust in my body and form... Also of note is that tonight's my first outing with the compression Vizi-Pro tights, and aside from the initial shyness at being seen in public with them, they really do represent well. They're surprisingly comfortable without being hot, and the ever-present "swish-swish" of the Adidas pants isn't missed in the least. And the after-dark visibility of the Saucony orange, as simply one less extra accessory to wear and have to think about, really does make relaxing into the run all the easier - I'm digging it immensely on so many levels...!
