Run: Tempo Previous Next


10:30 AM

4.3 mi


9:04 mi


170 lb


70 F


The last ship workout experience of our cruise, and M and I share a great training outing in the gym together on adjacent treadmills. There's so much of this experience over this past week that I want to bring home with me, patterns and updated habits to harness these drives that have profoundly inspired me, and that hopefully can continue to do so as "normal' life floods back in on our return home. The early rising, particularly with a purpose to warrant it, simply rocks, and I can see from multiple directions that now is the perfect time to refocus on my diet, especially in a more RAVE-like manner. It is my sincerest wish and commitment that this trip be more than just a vacation, and far more of a galvanizing event that gets me up off my TV-viewing ass and moving with whatever pace towards the running, Parkouring, and adventuring life that seems so clearly calling... F-ing Hurray!
