Run: Fartlek Previous Next


10 mi


6:12 mi


30 F
  • Map

<No name>


Pre run: Up bright and early to take Molz to the airport. Came home, had coffee and relaxed till 8:30. Did some AIS and foam rolling before heading out.

Workout: 20-min easy + a fartlek with 30-sec, 1-min, and 2-min hard, followed by easy recovery of the same time between segments X 4 sets, with 15-min around 6:30 pace back home.

Route: bottom trail, around bell Island 3 times and back.

Thoughts: pretty solid effort. IT band has been acting up so wanted to get a harder effort in, but on a soft and flat surface. During the harder efforts I could feel my left glut getting tight. Right IT band was tight but never all that bad. Going to try something new for a few days. Stretch my Right side and leave the left alone. Think this could be causing my hip to rotate causing SI joint issues, among other things.
