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8:03 AM

26.2 mi


6:55 mi

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Very good fast course. Ran this even though my ankle was still bothering me. Said I would try to make it to 5 and if it was okay then go for another 5. Somewhere around 18 or 19 I saw Eric then Fil and I was like Fuck we are all working hard not just me so shut up and just finish it. Sometimes you just do things- Scott Jurek. Around 14 the cramping in my left calf (from overcompensation of my rt ankle) was about all I could take. My toes were curling up and I was just focusing on form at the point trying to prevent worse form from making it well, worse. Lost a lot towards the end but honestly I left everything I had on the course. The pain and cramping just slowed me down. on the last 4 or 5 miles everytime someone passed me i tried to hang with them and cramping would get to a point where I would think shit I can't hold this its gonna make me have to start walking. I tried to just average the fastest pace I could for each mile. Really nice to have a PR. Going to enjoy this one for a while. Crossed the finish line and immediately had my arms around 2 volunteers hanging for dear life. damn good course. and fast to boot. After DNS steamtown, this was a nice one to earn. I lost sub 3 on the last mile.

Injury notes: Left calf is swolen 1-1.5 inches larger than right. Firm as hell compared to right. Quads and calves are extremely sore. Cannot walk without major limping. Right ankle still hurts but rest of body hurts so much that its hard to say whether it is worse than a couple weeks ago. Definitely worse than a couple days ago.
