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13.1 mi


7:36 mi

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<No name>



12 by Tanger. What a difference a week makes. certainly not where I want to be but making progress. this was so much easier than last Thursday felt good and strong throughout.

"I don't give a fuck - and neither should you. Just go run.

here's a dirty little secret - running is not always fun. its not all kittens and rainbows. lollipops and happy thoughts, hugs and kisses, cheering and singing. ice cream and cake.

Sometimes it sucks, its a chore, you'd much rather be sitting on your ass, it hurts like scalded hell, your still sore as fuck from your 10 mile tempo, its dark, your tired, its raining, you had to get up a 2:50 am to get in your miles before your flight, you have to drink 17 cups of coffee. You so and so is clearly ripping from the bone but you don't give a shit because you cant give a shit - you have to get your run in.

you dont have the time to care, no patience, no remorse, no mercy.

You park your car in the poring rain - you hear the tornado siren and think to yourself "all those skinny pussy talented guys will be staying in tonight.... I get to put another 11 miles on them"
