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18 mi


7:25 mi

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Sherman Loop


Good through 8, then AT really uncomfortable for the rest, but gutted it out. Soggy shoes. Glad I got this in though. Longest run in 6 months (since Baystate really). See how the AT reacts later today/tomorrow.



The humidity was killer up here yesterday and wiped out my 9 yr old after baseball camp (he puked on and off for a few hours). This is tough. Great write up from yesterday's track workout. I don't think the Korean ladies were judging you for running the track in 90 degree weather. They were calling 9 1 1. Great work..

Ntown Kevin

Heh, thanks.

I'm actually headed "up there" tomorrow (Boothbay for a wedding), though I gather it's supposed to be rainy. Still hope to get at least one small run in though.


Boothbay will be scenic for sure. Enjoy. Dunk the AT in the ocean water as it will get your attention.