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5.2 mi

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Water Tower of experiment of sorts. Been sort of obsessed with hills since practicing the NM 8 miler course. This was serious hill practice. 1.1 wu, then 5 x 0.3 mile hill at 12.5% grade. So looked something like:

1.1 warm up

0.3 up (2:06)

0.3 down

0.3 up (2:19)

0.3 down

0.3 up (2:22)

0.3 down

0.3 up (2:32)

0.3 down

0.3 up (2:33)

0.3 down

1.1 cooldown

This tells me I was too aggresive on the first couple, or didn't take enough rest to maintain at the end (I think it's the former). Not sure if this hill is too extreme for this kind of workout. Like I said, experiment. I mean, 2:20 over 0.3 is 7:46 pace, and up that grade I think that's moving. Actually felt a lot slower than that. Anyway, was fun and kind of different. Very humid out. Dead mouse facing uphill (naturally). See how legs feel tomorrow...
