Run: Treadmill Previous Next


4 mi


8:30 mi


Chose to go to the gym after work, vs. trying to run outside. Mid-20s temp could have been fine, if I'd bundled up, but I wanted to check the Resolutionary status

First good sign was that the parking lot had a few spots open near the front door. In year's past, I'd be parking near the back of the building for a while

I said hello to the desk girl, who I hadn't seen in a while [Wednesday is not a gym night for me, regularly]

The locker room was moderately busy, and someone had already claimed "my locker". At that moment D'Wife called and said she was on her way over too, so I told her where I'd be = which bank of treadmills to expect to see me

Well, my run wasn't a great one: I got stuck on a 'mill with a floppy belt, which made me think my shoes weren't tied right. After stopping and starting 3 times to adjust [they were fine all along] I got my 30-minute minimum in, plus some more, then strolled along to cool down and waited for D'Wife to arrive

She was taking too long, and I had to get home to make dinner, so I bailed on the meetup. As it happened, she was just coming in as I was on my way out. She breezed past me with a quick "Hi!" and met up with her workout buddy, whom D'Wife had already txt'd to tell HER when she'd be there

Had I not chosen the TM closest to where she said she'd be cardio-ing, in hopes of meeting her, I probably would've had a better run ... but at least I am pretty certain that my shoes are tied properly
