Run: Long Previous Next


8:00 AM

17 mi


6:40 mi


No name


169.5 lb


33 F


8 / 10
8 / 10


Perfect weather for a long run. Cool but no wind. A group of 5 of us went out pretty slow. First mile around 7:30 and ended up hitting 9 miles around 1:04:10. Billy started to push the pace just before 9 miles so we started moving. At mile 10, Steve (same guy I run with and raced on Sat) pushed up a hill and him and I dropped the other 3 guys. We started clipping off miles between 6:10-6:00. I think he was a bit pissed about the race on Sat and wanted to run hard. He stopped at 15 miles but I went the extra two miles to hit my weekly mielage goal. It was very surprised and happy with the last 8 miles. We carried on a conversation - nothing too long but it wasn't like an all out effort either. 48:54 for the last 8. I was trying to think if this could be marathon pace for me. Seemed a bit fast for that but not too far off. I'm going to try a hard long run next week and try to figure things out and where I'm at fitness wise. 3 weeks till the half marathon.
