Run: Easy Previous Next


6.5 mi


7:29 mi


8 / 10
8 / 10
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<No name>


Matt was nice enough to let me run with him tonight. I felt like we were going a little faster than a 7:29, but apparently not. I guess that will probably be the last time he ever runs with me, he seemed pretty mad that we went that slow, and so I'm sure he's probably mad at me. Surprisingly, my left foot actually didn't feel all that bad during the run. It was a little sore in the beginning, but I guess I just ran it off. My legs were a little sore from the workout Jonathan and I did last night, but that too kinda went away. I'm just very surprised about my foot, especially considering how awful it felt after what happened on yesterday's run. Overall I felt alright about this run, I just don't understand how we were going so slow, it felt much faster than 7:29.

It was so nice actually running with somebody too. Even with run club, everybody seems to either be going way faster, or way slower than me, so I usually end up by myself anyways. And after the fiasco yesterday, I don't see that ever changing. Today's run was just so nice with somebody to run with, especially with Matt, he's just such a cool guy. Unfortunately I doubt he'll ever run with me again, considering the whole pace thing, I'm just not a good enough runner for him.

I ate a little more today at today, and I'm not sure how I feel right now. I've practically been starving myself the past few days, nothing but salad and carrots essentially, and today I was just really hungry, so I made myself a sandwich. I felt super full afterwards, so I guess I ate too much. It looks like its gonna be hard to find a balance here, but I'm gonna have to be eating something substantial at some point. I just don't know what to do, I NEED to lose weight, but I hate the feeling of being starving nearly 24/7, makes me wonder how anorexics must feel.
