Bike: Easy Previous Next


6:05 PM

10.5 mi


10.82 mi / hr


208 lb
138 bpm
165 bpm
60 bpm


61 F
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I wanted to try two workouts in one day, a run/walk mix this morning and a bike ride this evening. HR was a bit high when I started due to getting ready and pumping up the tires. For this ride, I wanted to try to maintain good cadence for as long as possible. I succeeded for a while, only stopping at stop signs and stop lights. I even managed to keep pedaling while crossing a couple of sets of railroad tracks. But, I gradually started to tire, the bumps got harder, and I started taking rest breaks more often. Still, I wanted to push and get at least ten miles and I managed to do that. There was nothing about this ride that fit with low HR training. Even my average HR is above my 135 HR MAF target. I'm guessing when I run my ithlete iPhone app tomorrow morning, it will show I need to take it easy or even take a rest day. That's probably a good thing as I am also supposed to get my flu shot in the morning.
