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7:00 AM

26.2 mi


6:21 mi


165 lb


39 F


8 / 10
8 / 10


Felt fantastic. Raced very controlled the first half. Course was a tad more rolling than thought but for the most part very flat. Ran on the soft surface of the Tobacco rd trail as much as possible. Turn around point just after 8 and almost to 19 to take a peek at where competitors were. Really felt like I could race the 2nd half and even ran step by step with another masters from 19-23 to pull away at 23. Finished 9th overall and 2nd masters because almost 2 min negative split the 2nd half. Working of course and tired the last 10k but really felt terrific. Beautiful cool weather in high 30s to start then sunny and virtually no wind and about 50 at the end. Pre race prep was excellent. Great post race and won money along with free entry so a darn good event. Wore flats that felt great. Started with long sleeve, gloves and hat and was down to headband and no shirt the last mile. 39.01 last 10k (6.16 pace). 1.24.05 thru half then 1.22.13 for 2nd half (6.25 and 6.16 pace) Splits: 6.12, (6.16 avg for 3), 6.34, 6.20. 6.38, 6.21, 6.27, 6.24, 6.25, 6.28, 6.18, 6.32, 6.07, 6.20 6.57, 5.48 (GPS messaged 6.57 at 1.1 so probably more even with 5.48 however did make move here to pull away from other master runner), 6.22, 6.13, 6.07, 1.14.
