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1:23 PM

6 mi


7:40 mi


10 / 10
8 / 10


****Forgot my trainers in the car so ran with my Adidas tennis/trail/comfortable shoes which really sucked for running****

Didn't have my GPS watch so I'm not sure about the dist/time. Ran in the ATV/ski trails outside of Hanson's parent's house in Leavenworh. One of the most strenuous runs of my life. Extremely hilly in here and very very hot (for us anyway, ~88 degrees). Good training though -- I feel like the area of my running/orienteering abilitiy that is most lacking is my ability to run in heat. It has really hurt me in O' races in the past and has not played in my favor in the one or two particularly hot running races I've run in.
