Eliptical: Active Rest - Z3 Previous Next




64.6 kg
149 bpm
159 bpm
42 bpm


15 C
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My Garage


Went on the eliptical wearing my cross trainers with the arch supports in, all body parts ok. Passed the hop on left leg test before and after using the eliptical but no running today due to planned day off (only doing 5 days per week until ankle is better). Killing me not to go out for a run when its such a nice day :¬(

Did 1 x Program 8 (until distance read 2750) - trying to keep heart rate between 70% - 80% (144 - 159bpm) HRR - Zone 3.

Wore the Garmin HRM

Resting HR 42bpm checked this morning, reading was 41bpm averaging (old value 43 + 41) / 2

Max HR 188bpm, guestimation 205 - (age 44 / 2) + 5bpm fudge factor
