Run: R - HR - Paced Previous Next


5:29 AM

13.2 mi


8:51 mi


67.8 kg
124 bpm
144 bpm
38 bpm


9 C
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Day 127 of 150? - Right leg proximal hamstring tendinopathy

Day 5 of 150? - Left leg proximal hamstring tendinopathy

I can honestly say that PHT to date is the most painful problem / injury l have had so far, makes the year long battle l had with Achilles tendonitis look like a runny nose. Luckily the main problem / painful leg (left) is ok during running as the pain is not at the sitting bone (like the right leg) its about 6 inch below that, but bending to tie my shoe laces is almost impossible due to intense stabbing pain (hey but the steak continues ...).

Regards HR strap issues (conductivity) this morning l tried licking the strap as normal and then applying a small amount of some moisturiser cream that listed water as an active ingredient (i.e all oil Is no good), it seemed to work ok, fingers crossed it may speed removal of the rash / spots that the liquid soap trials caused.

Resting HR 38 bpm last checked (afternoon) 01/10/2016

Max HR 185 bpm (guestimation) 15/05/20132
