Run: R - HR - Paced Previous Next


5:26 AM

13.3 mi


8:19 mi


67.3 kg
133 bpm
151 bpm
39 bpm


7 C
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Day 137 of 150? - Right leg proximal hamstring tendinopathy

Day 15 of 150? - Left leg proximal hamstring tendinopathy

Yet another recovery run. Starting to have signs of a tibial stress reaction in my left leg (usually l get them posteromedial, this is anterior) slight aches, but aches at night just lying in bed is a main indicator for me, which is what l have had with both fractures and numerous stress reactions alike).

I will probably just do my normal run tomorrow and then take a serious down week next week i.e just 2 to 3 mile jogs a day until the aches at night subside / to give the bone remodelling process a chance to get ahead of me tearing them down

Resting HR 39 bpm last checked (afternoon) 15/10/2016

Max HR 185 bpm (guestimation) 15/05/20132
