Run: R - HR - Paced Previous Next


6:53 AM

11.3 mi


8:34 mi


69 kg
137 bpm
159 bpm
41 bpm


15 C
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Day 23 of 28? - Left tibia (posteromedial, 160mm above the centre of the malleolus)

Mild aches in and around the injury site throughout, pressing on the spot after the run produces a strong ache. Things seem to be getting worse, may try one more run but its looking like game over for a while.

After writing this, a bruise formed and my leg got achier, went to the doctors again, who this time (agreed with me) and said is sounds like a stress reaction (l thought he would of sent me for an x-ray, but no). He reckons 10 days rest and then start running again, l think that may be a little quick as l took 13 days off last time l saw him which did not cure the problem and this time around its worse.

Recovery paced run - trying to keep HR < 141 bpm

Resting HR 41 bpm last checked 18/08/2015

Max HR 185 bpm (guestimation) 15/05/2013
