Run: R - HR - Paced Previous Next


5:32 AM

11.4 mi


8:09 mi


65 kg
130 bpm
181 bpm
37 bpm


1 C
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Ongoing right leg proximal hamstring tendinopathy

Day 18 of 28 left TOF active monitoring

Never a dull moment, todays fun was sheet ice everywhere, if l was smart and not so damn stubborn (after almost falling over a dozen times by mile 4) l probably should of ended the run early.

YAY its a double day l get to try and break my neck all over gain later.

Top of foot just sporadic faint to mild aches

Still no night aches, no aches pressing on the heads of the 5th, 4th or 3rd metatarsal and no crepitus in the tendons.

Resting HR 37 bpm last checked (afternoon) 17/01/2017

Max HR 185 bpm (guestimation) 16/05/2013
