Run: R - HR - Paced Previous Next


6:25 AM

5.6 mi


7:44 mi


65 kg
133 bpm
151 bpm
37 bpm


2 C
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Ongoing right leg proximal hamstring tendinopathy

Day 1 / 21? - Left tibia suspected BSI

Just a short recovery paced run to try and offload the tibia somewhat (for a few days) as l think l have the signs / start of a bone stress injury. Faint aches from the posteromedial edge of the tibia throughout the run, but achier for 30mins after the run. Ran with the metronome for cadence.

Not as light as l had hoped so no barefoot miles today (and it was a little to chilly).

Resting HR 37 bpm last checked (afternoon) 18/03/2018

Max HR 185 bpm (guestimation) 16/05/2013
