Run: Ez - Paced Previous Next


7:26 AM

6.2 mi


7:15 mi


65.5 kg
142 bpm
159 bpm
39 bpm


39 C
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Ongoing right leg proximal hamstring tendinopathy

Day 7 / 21? - Left tibia suspected BSI

Just an easy run to test the leg and finish off the week; my tibia felt noticeably better this morning with just the odd twinge during the last mile or two, feeling fine immediately after the run. I will probably build back up to 100's,slowly over the next two or 3 weeks tibia BSI permitting.

After a bit more research into bone stress injuries and the bone remodelling process in hindsight l think l should of dropped mileage to about a third of normal instead of 50% given MY symptoms (and experience with them, no. 4 in my legs), to be on the safer side, fingers crossed l' m good.

Resting HR 39 bpm last checked (afternoon) 28/03/2018

Max HR 185 bpm (guestimation) 16/05/2013
