Run: Base Mileage Previous Next


8 mi


8:02 mi


65 kg
150 bpm
213 bpm
42 bpm


4 C


Left foot / ankle was achy for the last 3 miles, appyiing ice and taking ibuprofen will decide in the morning wehter to take a rest day or another run.

Used music with a 180bpm click track overlaid (free program called Audacity) to aid in improving my running style, my first task is shortening my stride (incase l over stride) and increasing my cadence,

Used conductive gel again on the HRM chest strap and still have the fabric backed plaster attached to the HRM. Now the readings seem to be low whenever l look at the watch, and l'm still getting readings above 200. Before the plaster l was always trying to slow down, now it seems l need to speed up.

Heart rate training in zone 3 (aerobic) 70%-80% heart rate reserve (147bpm-162bpm at present) duration in this zone was 00:43:35 approx 68%.

Nb. Using 192bpm as max heart rate (figures above this may be interference to device)
