Run: R - HR - Paced Previous Next


6:37 AM

7.5 mi


8:21 mi


67 kg
138 bpm
159 bpm
38 bpm


17 C
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This run started fine and for the first five miles l thought my left foot problems were gone, but how wrong l was. For the last 2.5 miles l had pain under the 1st and 2nd metatarsal heads (I thinks thats where it was, it was difficult to tell \ pinpoint as the the pain was diffuse). I will try another run tomorrow and if its no better will skip Sundays run for a couple of days rest (Monday is a rest day).

Recovery run - trying to keep heart rate <70% heart rate reserve (143 bpm at present)

Wore the Garmin HRM

Resting HR 38 bpm last checked 10/07/2012.

Max HR 188 bpm, guestimation 205 - (age 45 / 2) + 5 bpm fudge factor.
