Run: Tempo Previous Next


8:00 AM

8.6 mi


8:07 mi


8 / 10
8 / 10
  • Map


Outstanding run. 13:42.15 warmup to drexel bridge, 21:31.20 hard run to turnaround (no detours, although I had to slow down at the highway ramp to run in between gridlocked cars), 25:46.68 hard run to murphy or murray or whatever that road is between 36th and 37th on Chestnut (right glute thing twinged or whatever, and then was noticeable for the rest of the run, basically, but not that bad other than the big twinge) (detour to metal line in ground at highway ramp). 8:36.04 warmdown from murray or whatever to home. Other than the glute thing, felt very good. Definitely was pushing it with the pace, but felt pretty good nonetheless.
