Run: Race Previous Next


7:45 AM

13.1 mi


7:50 mi


8 / 10
7 / 10

Race Result

2033 / 13175 (15.4%)
271 / 920 (29.5%)
1635 / 6465 (25.3%)
  • Map


Decent race, considering that I don't feel in shape yet. But definitely a dropback from where I was a year ago. Also, slowed throughout the race -- 23:14 through 5K (7:30 pace), 47:22 through 10K (7:38 pace), 1:17:34 through 10 mile (7:46 pace), 1:42:30 overall (7:50 pace). Watch splits: 7:43.56, 7:17.00, 7:29.30, 7:34.64, 6:37.25 (obviously this mile marker was too short), 8:57.16 (and this one too long), 8:03.10, 8:07.55, 7:54.90, 7:48.72, 7:42.67, 8:13.71, 8:15.13, 0:48.12. Did a ~5 mile warmdown afterwards, which is entered separately.
