Run: Long Previous Next


9:40 AM

20.3 mi


9:42 mi


79 F


6 / 10
6 / 10
  • Map


Long run. Around 79 degrees by the time I finished. Didn't have much the first few miles, then after about 5 or 6 miles I got into a good pace for about 3 or 4 miles. Turned around at the 4.0 mile marker on Forbidden Drive. Not sure where it is on the map, but I think I got it right, based on the trail that jutted off the Drive about 20 seconds before I turned around. Really lost it in the last hour... after 2:06:09, I walked for 6:25.72 to the 3.5 to Art Museum sign, then I jogged slowly the rest of the way home. I had been running around 9min/mile up until that point, and I ran probably 10:30-11:00/mile the rest of the way in. Really completely bonked. Physically, right leg was giving me trouble in that last hour as well. Gluteus or hamstring or something seemed tight/cramped, and right achilles didn't feel great either, hopefully just as a result of the first thing, and hopefully none of it is serious (I don't think it is -- possibly just dehydration, since I weighed only 128.0 when I got back inside. Clif Shots at 40 min, 80 min, 120 min, and 160 min. Water every 20 min. Splits: 1:31:20 (8:59.64 pace for 10.155 miles, if my distance is accurate), 1:45:13 (10:22.89 pace for 10.135 miles, if my distance is accurate -- but this is like 35 minutes of decent pace and 70 minutes of completely dragging).
