Personal Records for Run

Your personal records, often referred to as "PRs", consist of your best time for races of a given distance. Below is the list of your PRs automatically generated from the race results you entered.

6.82 km26:223:52STRC Karlovy Vary5/21/2011View Race
7.61 km34:414:34Jeseník - Sokolý vrch5/29/2011View Race
8.29 km28:253:26Běh kerteamu4/23/2011View Race
9.03 km41:184:35Běh na Děvín6/11/2011View Race
9.30 km50:145:25Běh na Lysou horu5/28/2011View Race
9.94 km32:403:18Upicka 103/6/2011View Race
10.03 km31:303:09Pececka 103/12/2011View Race
15.13 km1:19:515:17Počerady Louny4/30/2011View Race
21.25 km1:06:463:09Pardubicky vinarsky pulmaraton4/16/2011View Race
21.92 km1:47:564:56PIM half Marathon4/2/2011View Race
43.17 km2:18:273:13PIM Marathon5/8/2011View Race