Run: Progression Previous Next


3:30 PM

9 mi


7:53 mi


158 bpm
175 bpm
57 bpm


5 / 10
9 / 10


Ran down 100 to the north side of Warren, ran through town and around again, then ended at the post office. The weather was very good for running; probably about 65-70 degrees and very little breeze or humidity. The run itself felt surprisingly good. I felt like it would end up being mediocre because I was hungry when I left and felt a little tired, but as is typical for me, feeling kind of bad prior to the run ends up producing a pretty excellent run. This was my fastest time yet for a run at this HR, and I had the least pace drop off as well. It was decently easy to stay within 2-3 beats of 160, while keeping under for the most part. That 175 max was hit while I was running the last 300 meters through the town, since I decided to keep a steady pace even though the last part is uphill.
