Run: Marathon Tempo Previous Next


8 mi


7:08 mi


165 lb


I had planned to take 2 easy days after the 20 miler and do my hill workout tomorrow, but wuth the crappy weather forecast, I decided to a hard workout today. I switiced to a marathon tempo run and pushed the hills to later in the week because my calves were a bit sore from the long run. I didn't think pounding down the hills would be a smart thing right now.

I didn't have an accurate mile split until mile 4. I felt like I was running a bit fast for MT and I was right. I was at 7:00 pace exactly at 4 miles, so I eased off a bit to average 7:08 for the 8 miles. I was surprised at how strong I felt. I recovered fast from the 20 miler. My goal is to work up to 12-14 miles at this pace before Boston.
