Run: Hill Previous Next


5.7 mi


7:27 mi


165 lb
  • Map



Running the Nagog hills is like visiting a old friend. :) I did the out and back which came out to be about 6 miles. I felt like crap warming up, but once I started I felt very good. I forgot to bring my head light. I really could have used it because it was very dark on the way back. I had to run along the center yellow line to just barely see where I was going. I ran strong the entire run which surprised me because I haven't done hills in awhile. I ran the downhills moderately hard. I didn't want to stress the left leg too much. It actually held up very well. The difficult part of the run was the warm down. I just made it in time to Roache Bros. for a pit stop. This was my fault because I ate waaaay too much for lunch.
