Run: Fartlek Previous Next


12.5 mi


7:30 mi


165 lb
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Today was a very tough day. All that 'feeling great this week' went right out the window. I was tired and flat right from the beginning. 4 hours of sleep didn't help. Reno and I did a run by the coast in Quincy. It was great to run with him because I ran harder than I would if I was by myself. Reno kept me honest. :) This was supposed to be 2 miles @ PMP, 2 miles @ tempo and 2 more @ PMP... but at about 5 minutes into the first marathon pace run, I had to veer off into the woods. Stopping like this killed the workout, so we did a fartlek run instead. This was probably best because no way was I going to hit my 'numbers'. We varied pace from just under 7:00 to about 7:30. The hills were tough, but I managed. Warm-up was 3 miles and warm-down one mile. Also 6 x 40 second strides near the end.
