Run: Medium Effort Previous Next


9.5 mi


7:58 mi


165 lb
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I was really hoping I would continue to make progress and run at a decent pace today. I looked at yesterday as an aberration. I started very slow as the pattern from the past week continued with the left leg taking forever to run normally. By mile 4 the pain diminished enough so I was able to run around 7:45 the rest of the run. I needed this run - to be able to feel like I was running normally again. The pain is still there but controllable. I also have the old tight hamstring/gluts again. I need to start my exercises again. Splits: 9:18, 8;30, 8:05, 7:45, 7:42, 7:44, 7:47, 7;31, 7:23. I pushed the uphills as this doesn't hurt my hip at all. Hopefully soon I'll be able to push some downhills. I haven't done any hard downhills in weeks. I'll need to do some for Boston.
