Run: Long Previous Next


5:47 AM

17.5 mi


8:05 mi


161.6 lb
147 bpm
167 bpm


32 F


5 / 10
5 / 10
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Parked at WWS and ran 2 miles to meet up with group in Warrenville. We wound up going a 13+ mile loop west on the Batavia spur and back through Fermilab which must have repaved the paths since last time I ran there as they were perfectly smooth and great. I was feeling good and pushing the pace at points. Lots of stopping with some construction on the way out and then a long break at the Fermilab center where I got a little water, then another long break at the group endpoint back in Warrenville before I ran the last 2 back to WWS and a little to make it 17.5. HRM was good the majority of the time but took a couple of miles to kick in then would show incorrect low readings for various points, maybe the strap battery is low, annoying.
