Run: Long Previous Next


8:30 AM

22.1 mi


9:01 mi


72 F
  • Map


Beautiful morning. I still took it really slow (like yesterday) for most of the run. Then in the last 7 miles, I started to pick up the pace a bit, with the last 5 miles timed at:

1. 7:11

2. 7:30

3. 7:20

4. 7:07

5. 7:13

I was thinking I'd try to hit 6:50s for those miles but I didn't even come close. Those miles felt hard. The middle 3 miles were mostly slightly uphill. Not sure if I was still just tired like yesterday and emotionally drained from Ken's death on Tuesday or what.

Ran with a 12oz tailwind/water mix. Consumed most of it plus 7 endurolytes, starting from about mile 8.
