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6:30 AM

5 mi


7:46 mi

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Atcher loop


Felt good, mom needed the car to take my sister to get her license and my car's tires were flat and I didnt feel like inflating them so I biked the 2 miles to the lake I start my routes at and to be honest it was really helpful cause my legs felt less stiff cause they warmed up during the bike. So as much as I complained about biking in the cold on campus, it probably really helped my legs XD. Saw the woman the myth the legend herself marianne rogenski. She used to run like 8 miles with her dog all the time. Now the dog is old, last I saw it and checked it was like 17 years old and still going strong but not running as much as it used to

I had a really wack dream last night and Im gonna say it cause some IXC people were in it. So last night before I went to bed I watched the movie shes the man so it was kinda similar to that but not really. So in the dream for some reason we werent racing, but high schools were and my coach wanted me to come back and race so I had to pretend to be Natalie Maguire because if I raced as myself other schools might know it was me. Some of my friends who graduated before me were there cause they wanted to see me try and pass as a high schooler. Since I was back at my old high school, my coach made me do the 2 mile again, as well as the 800, and mile and for some reason they were back to back to back. Then when i went to check in, the table was sitting on top of a stack of trailers filled with gravel and the guy that was checking me in started giving me really insightful life advice as he stared off into the distance. I don't remember what the advice was though. Then Thomas, Audrey, and Spencer came to get me and then I realized it was almost time to race and I was dehydrated and then I woke up the end.

Mikeelie Jensen's bad joke of the day: why should you knock before opening the fridge? Just in case the salad's dressing


Lauren Bartels

Interesting dream, was it nice to see everyone?


Yeah haha