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8:30 AM

5 mi

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36 min progression run with 6x1 lap sprint 1.5 lap off on small indoor track. Progression was on treadmill. Felt pretty good not as long as i had wanted but it was a little quicker than last time so that's something. Found out my shoes are coming today so a week early but they are being shipped to my dorm so i wont see them till sunday. Yesterday was my last inservice training for work so I have achieved my goal of going to 6 1.5 hour trainings and get recertified for 6 hours in the span of 3 weeks. I didnt have to go to nearly that many but it gave me more hours and more hours means more money plus if i go to a lot it shows that i care about perfecting the skills which will hopefully give me a leg up when i apply for the promotion for this summer. I also had a theory that if i went to that many I would become enlightened in the lifeguarding knowledge afterwards and i can now say my theory was correct.

At these trainings if we finish everything the head guards want us to quickly we usually play a game in the last few minutes. Yesterday we played a game we call hide the baby. We play this a lot at atcher (the outdoor pool i work at in the summer) and basically we have this weighted baby doll that sinks so managers toss it in the water when you are guarding without you knowing and then it sinks and you have to notice it and go get it. Usually its not challenging to find its just to make sure you are paying attention to your whole zone. However, in this game its not easy to find. Basically there are two teams each hiding in separate closets or locker rooms while someone hides the baby doll somewhere in the water park. Then when its hid the teams run out and compete to try and find it. Ive gotten pretty good at this game over the years so i found it in the second round so i got to hide it. Since im well seasoned to playing this game i knew the perfect spot for it: the middle of the slide. The slides were turned off so it wasn't going to move and i hid it in a spot you couldnt see from the top or the bottom of the slide the only way you would know it was there is if you actually climbed on the slide. Usually it takes around 1-3 minutes for people to find the baby and no one ever found it after like 7 minutes so i went up and got it. My team won the game 4-0 so id say thats a dub



No mercy for the rookies