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9:40 AM

9 mi


8:07 mi

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Ouchie. First part was right into the wind and I was sore from the workout so it felt gross but then once we were out of the wind it felt semi better. Good talks with Breezy

Ok so long log cause man I had a busy 40 hours. Starting Thursday night at around 8, me Gabriela and Mahum had Bots drive us to walmart to get stuff to throw Lauren a birthday Banger. We got her this piñata and a cake and some decor. We decided to throw her a covid style barcrawl since we always said we would do one after she turned 19 then covid happened and now its her 20th. From about 8:30 till midnight, me and Gabriela were hard at work making and painting a joes sign and the kams alma mater which was fun, and you should see it if you haven't yet! So i went to bed and then woke up friday and did laundry and do some minor housekeeping before my 10am class then after that i tried to do as much studying as possible in a half hour cause then at 11:30 i had to make lunch real quick cause I had to be at walgreens at noon for my first Covid shot! I got Pfizer in case anyone was curious, I qualified cause I will be working with kids over summer. After that I tried to get as much more work I could done in 40 mins (which i finished) and then did core and was right on time to head to the track with Brisa at 2 to do the workout. We drove all the way out to St Joe track and they had a football game so we went to McKinley track and did it. We got done at 4:40 so I went home made pizza, showered, ate the pizza and packed to leave at 5:30 for an event I had to work for my PE club that was at 5:45. I biked there and did some workout-esque stuff with kids then left at 7:30, facetimed my parents and bartels on the ride back (my parents were impressed I could bike the whole way with one hand) and got home at 7:45. The homies were busy after they cleaned the whole house so the least I could do was hang the decorations for the party. I played some jams it was a good time, and finished at 8:29 and people were coming over at 8:30 (like clockwork). Then we had a good party/sleepover for Lauren and then in the morning we made eggs and had a cholula taste testing on eggs breakfast. We tried 6 kinds I recommend chili garlic and if youre more of a spice person, sweet habanero. Then we got to bask in the sun (its 70 degrees!!!) for an hour and headed to the throws meet and I threw 18ft 8in which was lit, it was fun!

Then I made ribs and Gabriela made mac and cheese for dinner and then Brisa and I got ice cream with Leonel and had some good talks. Writing this sunday, kinda realizing at 6:50pm I shouldve taken a nap today but oh well lol. Fun weekend though!


Lauren Bartels

I'm glad you had a fun weekend even if it was kinda crazy, also I'm impressed you can bike with one hand and holding your phone. The last time I did that I had to buy a new phone screen


Ahh you hate to see it