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8:00 AM

7 mi

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Old church


Great long run this morning. Started out faster than I wanted to but was able to maintain it so it was ok. A lot faster than normal probably out of a little anger from yesterday and the fact I had been rested expecting to race yesterday so going fast-ish today wasnt hard. After evaluating my tapering and adjusting my training until I try again for a time trial Friday I realized my training for this week isnt gonna be as messed up for taper as much as I thought it would so thats cool. I have decided im for sure doing it friday so I can take my break and still get an early jump on xc.

Yesterday felt off cause I had psyched myself up for a race and then when I couldnt I didnt run cause Saturdays are usually my off day so I had a heightened adrenaline level and I didnt have a race or hard run to use it so it felt weird. After todays run I felt better though.

Yesterday me and my sister made cookie cake. I really like cookie cake that you buy from the store, and I wasnt really expecting it to come out as good as that stuff because it was our first attempt and we werent using a recipe we were just winging it but it came out really good, probably as good as the store stuff. Its a pretty simple recipe all we used was 2 tubes of premade cookie dough, chocolate frosting, and sprinkles, Ill definitely make it when we get back on campus again. I felt like chef Lauren lol



Great job Mikeelie! I'm sorry the track was closed, but you are gonna kill it next week :)