Run: Tempo Previous Next


6:30 AM

2.3 mi


6:40 mi

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15 min progression tempo sandwiched in a run today. Distance is a round up so pace is a little off. Started at 7:30 pace and worked down to 6:30 pace and felt really good, i was on the treadmill again today as Schaumburg is still rainy

Took yesterday off cause my allergies have been bothering me, and i got up at 7 and felt like death and my mom happened to be up and saw me and told me i wasnt allowed to run today cause i would just be miserable and it would make me sicker. So i went back to bed, and it was a good call, thanks mom. After work i layed down for a while and woke up on the couch at 9:30pm unaware of how long i had been asleep so just went to bed for another 9.5 hours so i felt a lot better today

Sunday at work i was having a crazy day and i was having a bunch of problems at the pool but then one of my coworkers from the lake texted me saying that his doordash driver messed up and gave him the wrong order. He said he eventually got what he ordered but he asked me if i wanted his burrito bowl that they accidentally gave him so that made my day. Ate it for lunch yesterday, it was probably a $15 burrito bowl it had just about everything in it it was glorious. One of the other guys at the lake brought be popcorn too, so who is the real queen of volkening lake?



Allergies suck. Mine were pretty bad right when I came back home from school. Major props to you for getting the progression run in!